Illustrated life-cycles are provided, and technical terms are clearly explained. The book is richly illustrated throughout with specially prepared drawings and photographs, based on living material. Special emphasis is placed on the biology and control of human and plant pathogens, providing a vital link between fundamental and applied mycology. Features of taxonomic relevance are integrated with natural functions, including their relevance to human affairs. The text takes account of the rapid and exciting progress that has been made in the taxonomy, cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, pathology and ecology of the fungi. This new edition of the universally acclaimed and widely-used textbook on fungal biology has been completely re-written, drawing directly on the authors' research and teaching experience.

Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this textbook. It presents this complex subject in the most comprehensible and easy to understand language. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts in the field of mycology. Basidiobolomycosis, valley fever, cryptococcosis and fungal meningitis are some of the common fungal diseases. Medicinal mycology is concerned with study of pathogenic fungi, fungal diseases along with their ecology and epidemiology. Fungi are used by forensic experts in criminal examinations. Ethnomycology is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the study of sociological impact and historical uses of fungi. Mycotoxicology focuses on the analysis and study of fungal toxins called mycotoxins. It includes fungi's biochemical and genetic properties, taxonomy, and diseases. Mycology is the field of biology which focuses on the study of fungi. The book will be indispensable for students of botany, microbiology, plant pathology and medical mycology.įungus is any member of eukaryotic organisms which include yeasts, mushrooms, molds, mildews, rusts and smuts. Each chapter is followed by a ‘summary’, and ‘test questions’. Their symbiotic associations, chemical activities, secondary metabolites, mycotoxins, heterothallism, parasexuality and sex hormones are described under exclusive chapters. There are 31 chapters describing the form and function of fungi. The book starts with History of Mycology remembering Louis Pasteur’s famous quote “History of science is science itself”. The mycologists would discover emergence of a new world of ‘modern mycology’ gleaned from recent publications. But there is no common name for them, and are called as “sister groups”.

There are many surprises: Fungi and Animalia together form a monophyletic group. The classification offered by above mega research projects and accepted by Dictionary of Fungi (2008) and leading international journals, forms the basis of this book. each group has a common ancestor and all are its descendants. The ‘Eumycotan fungi’, the ‘Protozoan fungi’ and the ‘Chromistan fungi’ represent distinct monophyletic groups. In the last decade, world wide research projects: the “Deep Hypha” and AFTOL (Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life), have provided a phylogenetic classification based on genetic relatedness as evidenced by DNA sequencing data. The fungi are now placed under three kingdoms: Fungi, Protozoa and Chromista/Straminopila due to their phylogenetic heterogeneity. The book deals with fungi, deftly defined as “the organisms studied by mycologists”. Appendices Like Important Text And Reference Books, Mycoiogical Journals, Fungal Culture Collection Centres Of The World, Mounting Media And Common Culture Media For Fungi Have Been Included. Important Topics Like Ecology, Economic Importance Of Fungi In Various Ways, Applications Of Fungi In Biotechnology And Fungi As Symbionts Of Photobionts, Plants And Insects Has Also Been Discussed In Detail. General Topics Like Heterothallism, Parasexual Cycle, Sex Hormones, Evolutionary Tendencies In Lower Fungi, Evolution Of Conidium From A Sporangium, Sexuality In Ascomycetes With Special Reference To Degeneration And Modification Of Sex Organs, Phylogeny Of Fungi Have Been Discussed At Length. The Aim Of The Book Is To Bring In All The Recent Information In Fungi In One Volume. The Book Has Been Written To Cater To The Needs Of Honours And Postgraduate Students Of Indian Universities. It Deals With The Morphology, Taxonomy, Life Cycles Of Various Groups Of Fungi And Also Includes The Disease Cycle And Control Measures Of Fungal Pathogens, Responsible For Causing Diseases Of National As Well As International Importance. The Book Incorporates In A Comparative Manner The Various Important Classifications Of Fungi Given By Different Workers.